The Mark Twain House & Museum
The mission of The Mark Twain House & Museum is to foster an appreciation of the legacy of Mark Twain as one of our nation’s defining cultural figures and to demonstrate the continuing relevance of his work, life, and times.
CRIS Solution
CRIS provided The Mark Twain House & Museum with audio recordings describing artifacts featured in its permanent exhibit with QR Codes scanned by a visitor’s personal smartphones. Those artifacts include some of Mark Twain’s inventions, including its Paige Compositor, which he had great hopes would transform the publishing industry, and his souvenirs from his overseas travels.

"We want everyone to know Mark Twain, and so we are thrilled to have support from CRIS Radio in improving access to our exhibition. Because of this initiative, our visitors will be able to better experience original, personal artifacts related to Twain while learning about his life and legacy.”
~ Tracy Brindle, former Beatrice Fox Auerbach Chief Curator,
The Mark Twain House & Museum
African Souvenirs
Bank Check
Lead LIne
Leg Irons
Manuscript: Page Compositor
Memory Builder
Page Compositor
Steamer Trunk
Type Case
Writing Habits
The Innocents Abroad
Letter to Olivia
Following the Equator
Celebrated Jumping Frog
Puddn' Head
Souvenirs Africanos
Cheque Bancario
Línea de Plomo
Manuscrito: Compaginador
Constructor de Memoria
Compositor de Páginas
Baúl de Vapor
Caso Tipo
Hábitos de Escritura
Los inocentes en el extranjero
Siguiendo el Ecuador
Carta a Olivia
La célebre rana saltarina
Puddn Cabeza